Using the clues below, try to locate the 20 targets using their GPS coordinates. The targets are chosen for their geographic, historic, or visual signficance or a travel and tourism attraction and were selected by scanning the globe using Google Earth. To download this utility go to the google earth web site...
The contest will start some time in early 2008. Registration is going on now. Register your team by emailing your basic team information including team name, location, and team members to
Inappropriate team names will not be allowed. The standings in the contest will be posted weekly based on the most recent guesses for the 20 targets. Guesses on target locations can be submitted weekly and are due on Sunday evening received no later than 11:59 Eastern.
The contest will end at an arbitrary time to be announced a few weeks before the end of the contest. Prizes will be those that are donated by the contestants or contest sponsors. The prize list will be udated weekly as prizes are donated.
Guesses for each of the 20 targets are to be in GPS coordinates in the format degrees, minutes, and seconds North Lattitude, Degrees, minutes and seconds West Longitude.
Targets are 1 second lattitude by 1 second longitude in size and will contain the center of visual focus of the target area as viewed on Google Earth
The current targets have been selected and are located (in no particular order) in the following states/provinces:
Alabama, Alaska, Delaware, District of Columbia, Hawaii, Iowa, Indiana, Maryland, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Nevada, Ohio, Oklahoma, Ontario, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, and 2 locations that are on or very near the border between states.
You might want to be sure that all your guesses cover as many states/provinces as possible. Eventually you will figure out which guess belongs to which state and you can zoom in on your targets. Clues might give hints as to which team is closest or farthest from certain targets, how close the guesses are or how many teams have either gotten the taget exactly or are within a certain distance.
The Clues for the targets will be updated weekly but will start with the following descriptions:
Target | Description (and initial clue) | Additional Clues (added weekly) |
1. | Landing Love - 40 | (two part answer) |
2. | A whole lot of nothing at Harry's back street | the location has no significance, only the coordinates |
3. | Entertainers make a big splash | but not in the winter |
4. | Ring Between 16 and 34 | 17 through 33 are not significant |
5. | Opera Floater | (two part answer, google the result) |
6. | Flows over the river and through the woods | for hundreds of miles |
7. | The "L" in Texas | plain to see |
8. | Invisible Boat | Elephant! (nearby) |
9. | A tight fit | fits like a key |
10. | Flock to the borders | almost too obvious to be vague |
11. | 5 diamonds | (not jewelry) |
12. | Closed - "X" marks the spot | on an island of some sort |
13. | Convenience Store Promotion | no store will be in sight |
14. | Which shore, which state? | T he target is a watergoing vessel. |
15. | Joan's Love | you should visit |
16. | What's This?
![]() | in a body of water |
17. | What's This?
![]() | near a metro area |
18. | What's This?
![]() | fair |
19. | What's This?
![]() | near amusing historic landmark |
20. | What's This?![]() | mall |